

Port Robinson - North Canterbury, New Zealand




How to get to Port Robinson from Christchurch......

Port Robinson is 115km north of Christchurch which is about a 90 minute drive.
Take state highway 1 and head towards Picton. You will pass Waipara and Greta Valley, crossing the one way bridge over the Hurunui River. Once you reach the Domett Service Station which is at the 105km mark, be prepared to take a right hand turn about 500 metres past it. The sign post indicates the Hurunui River Mouth and Scenic drive. The Mainline Station tearooms are opposite.
Once you have turned right, you will travel 4.5km until you reach a left hand turn going up hill. The direction sign is Gore Bay also indicates it to be the scenic drive. Once you start descending on the other side of the hill you have reached the Port Robinson/Manuka Bay area. Port Robinson Rd is a further 0.6km past the Manuka Bay turn off. If you reach GORE BAY, you have trevelled too far!! An area map is available here or by clicking on the map above.

The alternate route is to drive on to Cheviot instead of turning right at Domett. Cheviot is a further 7km. Once there,  make a right hand turn in the town centre. Follow the signs to Gore Bay. At the 9km mark you will have reached the south end of Gore Bay with a steep hill climb up to the Cathedrals viewing spot. Port Robinson Rd is a further 2.3km from the bottom of the hill.


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